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About me… 

I could share with you, like my previous about me tab, my upbringing in beautiful Colorado with amazing, loving parents and 3 siblings and dogs, my struggles and emptiness I found met by fullness in the person of Jesus Christ’s unconditional supernatural love, my degree in Marketing and minor in Fine Arts at University of Portland where I loved adventuring and finding myself more in God and Christian community, my life-transforming time since committing and serving on the Race and being sent home month 3 due to Corona virus, but I think I’ll share more of who I am in God’s eyes of love

*I’ll get to the beautiful qualities that have been spoken over me, but I first need to say some things…


For all the things you do, what matters about you is who you are in Him, uniquely dignified and made in the image of God to play a specific role.

I have questioned my significance, questioned my value and how loved I am by man, if I belong, and that is because the only place anyone belongs is in the palm of the Father’s hand.


Can I tell you there was a time in my life, 8th grade to be exact, where my friends and I shared our favorite and least favorite parts about each other, and I was left in despair that their favorite parts of me seemed hopelessly meaningless, worth nothing.

In the following years, my heart was just willing enough to let God’s love transform me into someone becoming who I was meant to be.

Christ restores broken and lost people, and He does it without restraint. If only you will be willing to invite Him in, open your mind, ears, heart.

I am telling you, you find yourself, losing your worldly pursuit and following Christ Jesus with all your being.

I am telling you, every moment I go deeper in the waters of His Grace, flood gates freely pour out of my of identity, passion, vocation, and compassion that I didn’t have of myself. Even in my weakness, He is strong and shines.

There is sin I don’t realize and so many parts of me (like stubborn independence and pride and insecurity and judgment and self-focus that doesn’t take a break nor listen nor ask for help nor rely on others nor take council/advice) that still needs to be repented of, left and released and nailed on the Cross as his favor and grace GIVES ME A NEW A NAME!

And it is a difficult process that requires our honesty and repentance as we are being made holy into people of love. (Refiner by Maverick City Music, james and corinthians)

Our mind truly does hold on to the one negative word more than the 10 positive.

The enemy has blinded me from seeing clearly and receiving everything below (just read my blogs from Malaysia), all these prophesies and encouragement that literally blow my mind now. I am done with the Satan’s lies!

I silence the voice of the enemy that is trying to tell you that you can’t be any of the things I am about to list, in Jesus Name – the name that by resurrection on the third day overcame all suffering and evil and sin (sin=any way we miss the mark/fall short as humans and don’t trust that what God has for us and intends is good)

When I cry at his feet or fall short, He calls me Holy, righteous, redeemed, chosen, His child, belonging in an eternal family, loved beyond measure, and marks me with a value that was worth dying for.

Every single human being is equal, and there is no favoritism with God (Romans 2:11)

Yet, when you experience Jesus’s supernatural love unlike any other,

You will feel like his favorite person in the entire world for specific reasons and specific qualities he adores about you

Once you accept his salvation won for you, all this is who you are without condition.

Repent, and believe 



May He be remembered and glorified and praised, not me

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. -Acts 20:24

ONLY GOD’S GRACE has changed everything and made me born anew – me, someone who had bullied in elementary school and had no foreseeable meaning or genuine care for others, now is ascribed with all these things beyond what I could have ever asked or imagined.

Here’s to remembering the truth of who I am. And putting it all in one place so I don’t forget! I encourage you to do the same, you are so loved! On the World Race we do feedback where we encourage and call each other higher; so that is why I’ve been blessed to have so many people speak into who I am. Pray that God would give you community that would do the same!

Among the things that have been spoken over me as I have become more and more acquainted with the Spirit of God, the living water, throughout college and doing the Race, were these from squad mates:

You are a fierce yet gentle lion for my Kingdom. You are soft but strong, tame but wild, bold and unrelenting. Even in times that you feel afraid, timid, shy, or reserved, the waves and impact you make in the heavenly realms is mighty. Hold on to God and you will be unwavering, slowly and steadily breaking down walls and barriers to get to the hearts of the lost, forgotten and broken

You are a radiant beam of light. I have a vision of a lighthouse, beaming light out across the deep dark ocean water. The waves might sometimes seem rocky and high, but your light beam relentlessly searches through the vast depths of the ocean – looking, always searching. I felt God say to me, that your light cannot and will not be hidden for those who are lost out in the waves – for those who are lost and not seen in society. Even if you don’t physically see things changing, your light is still glowing and making a shining difference to the dark and deep places (Matthew 5:14-16)

Your life is a gift to many people! You are such a talented artist, and your art will brighten people’s hearts as you use it as ministry! It is inspiring to hear what the Lord is teaching you and how God has uniquely equipped you to connect with locals. He delights in the moldableness (is that a word?!) and tenderness toward others in your big heart! Also I admire your giving spirit. You live out of abundance and really grasp how much the “littlest things” and random acts of kindness matter. Thanks for being such a trustworthy, encouraging, and adventurous friend who also stirs my heart to depend on God’s word and points out God’s love for me, to me!

Through fire and refining process, all else is removed, and gold is revealed. You are shining gold. Your value is like gold. You coat others with gold and show them their value. 

Sis, you’re a precious soul and there are not many like you, so sweet and humor and eager to grow in the Lord. You are doing what most are unwilling to do…listen and learn

I remember looking at you one of those church nights and specifically praying for you as I watched you, awestruck, while you prayed in those rapid tongues. You have SUCH a purpose in this Kingdom, wherever that physical location may be! Also, has anyone ever told you that you write as though you feel and think in colors and images!!?! It’s STUNNING and I admire it so much! 

You have an amazing gift of creativity. The Holy Spirit uses this and your reckless heart to gain entry into the lives of those that others might not be able to enter into.

You are strong and anointed and sweet.

You have a beautiful heart full of God’s love for people. I admire your boldness and love spending time with you!

The paintbrush is merely an accent of who you are in Him (Exodus 31:1-6 – your gifting is for his glory)

God has filled you with wisdom. He adds seasoning to your speech and He loves that you speak His truth. God shares special moments with you and loves being a part of those moments and being invited in. God is so proud of you!

You are steady like YAHWEH is steady. You reflect the Father. (this was written on the front side of a letter that an alumni Racer who I never met wrote for me, only knowing my name she listened to God on my behalf, and on the back was a drawing of paintbrushes – reflect and steady are two words God speaks specifically over me!)

Passion, steadfast, strength, bear-like spirit, adventure

In tune with the Holy Spirit, have a beautiful partnership with God, amazing the way you listen to his voice and have a heart for the people around you, steadfast, relentless and motivated to bring God’s Kingdom to earth, artistic and motivated to bring your talents for God’s glory, you are very gifted in both evangelism and discipleship, and have a joyful, upbeat presence, thank you for encouraging me to activate my spiritual gifts even further (1 Peter 4:10), you have such an impact on the locals we encounter

Inquisitive, strive to go deeper in so many facets of life in relationships, conversations, friendships, with God and Jesus, understanding in basically wherever you are at. The fruit of friendship follows you around, so evident. Special gift of connecting with people and focusing your mind on what you feel like your heart is telling you to focus on. What a captivating soul you have. I am utterly blown away by how deeply you dwell with the Lord.

As you worship, so connected and in tune with Holy Spirit. Intentional with people, all relationships

Easily talk to anyone, adventurous, encouraging

Love your heart for us, locals interactions, you shine and blossom in that space

Thank you God that these are hands of healing, Your hands were pierced right here with nails, thank you for her heart, that she is humble, that she will pour out love, thank you that you have a lot to teach her, but that she is rooted in you. Thank that her roots will go down deep and flow out like living water to everyone she meets and bear fruit, she won’t run dry, your healing will pour out of her, she will make you known…living water…living water” I open my eyes, she says “your stunning, I see it in your eyes pools of living water. I think you may be called into full-time ministry. You’re exactly where you are supposed to be.”

Not to mention that you are a bold daughter of the most high. You allow Christ to work through you consistently and constantly. It comes natural to you. People cannot help but to come in contact with Jesus when they are around you because you speak such truth to people through Him! But you are strong. You are courageous. + you are about to touch so many lives here in america, just like you have been the past four months! 

God has told me I am a Messenger, a cageless bird, that He made me to and loves my Wonder, and that I am a faucet for his Holy Spirit to bring life and, creatively, colorful light to this world. He recently highlighted again John 15 1-18 as like a life verse to remain in Christ’s love as a branch to the vine, pray in the Spirit, love others first and foremost, bear fruit that lasts, and have Christ’s joy complete in me.

When my mom, the best of encouragers, calls me a golden anchor for many and my sweet aunt positive, loving, generous, thoughtful person who uses every bit of my life for goodness,

or a dear friend in Colorado tells me that I have shown her the power of Jesus Christ or another ‘I feel like you were put on this earth by God to preach his truths. It is a true gift honestly to be able to touch people in that way and your passion is consuming in a great way. You were meant for this, there will always be people who try to tear you down when you are so high up. You just can’t give up on preaching because people need you. You changed everything for me, and I don’t think I would have anywhere as good of faith without you,’

or friends in Portland that I am bold, prophetic woman on mission for Christ. ‘You teach me what genuine, free, all-in, childlike faith looks like. You shine the light of Christ everywhere you go. You gave up a year to do hard work for the gospel. You are an example and encouragement to me and many others’ …unapologetic sharpening iron, goofy adventure-lover, prayer warrior, and that ‘You changed UP. You’ve changed me. You spoke the words of Truth over this campus and over me. Because of you, my faith is different and better. I’ve fallen further in love with the Lord. You are bold and adventurous and silly and dedicated and self-sacrificing. You are a powerful child of an all powerful King. You are a force to be reckoned with for the Lord. I know you are going to do amazing things in His name around the world,’

or in Indonesia that I am a ‘very pure, kind-hearted, and genuine soul…just being around you automatically makes me feel a million times better…I believe that it is important to surround myself with people that feed my soul…people who are for me and not against me…Who love me genuinely…who make it a point to show me that I am valuable to them…with you I can share everything about my life without any doubt and fear to be judged by you,’ or another in Indonesia that I was a talented and bold volunteer that wasn’t afraid to paint the mural I painted, that I am special and that he saw something genuine in me, or from Malaysia I love to be friends with u. I am happy to have u Hannah. But your not weak, your a building a strong building of Christ and the Holy Spirit. You are just good-hearted and open to all other people. Thanks Hannah for becoming my best friend, ur always encouraging me. 

or at Lake Powell ‘I am so very grateful that I met you! In just a short period of time I’ve spent with you, you’ve made an impact on me. I can sense the Holy Spirit’s presence within you and your passion for Jesus!’

or a ministry host from World Race America ‘Your faith and love for Christ is clear to anyone that has been with you for more than 5 minutes. Heralds make theIt King look good. How do you do that? You do that by displaying the Spirit’s peace in your life. We don’t recall a single instance of you being flustered in our home. We are in a world that desperately needs that peace. You have been gifted with evangelism to spread that peace – His peace.‘

or another ministry host:


or that girl I’ve never met Poppa God is super proud of the steps of faith, hope, and love you are stepping out into day after day. The little things He sees. They are not wasted. Each step matters and you WILL cross that finish line. There is an invitation to simply lean into his heart – lean into his embrace. Like a child does into his mother’s embrace – the tender, loving, and gentle embrace. No strife, just lean – let go and receive. I see a picture of Poppa God smiling with such pleasure at you like His heart can’t contain the pleasure and he can’t smile any bigger. Hope like a sunrise” or my teammate Hannah I just have to say I love how you make people feel seen and known, and how you choose them even when it’s uncomfortable and find a way to talk to them, mature for your age. 

or that other prophetic woman in Idaho I had never met You are so joyful, you radiate it, everyone sees it. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Your creativity (I say dang this girl is prophetic) isn’t commonplace its holy, (Raquel says it’s so special don’t downplay) it’s there to bring freedom to people-when you give out your art, to show people and release people into God’s freedom, and He has purpose for you there, is going to use it to bless others. I see you creating jewelry, painting canvases, dancing for God, the work of your hands. You are enough. You are salt and light. You are a lamp stand not covered by a basket and people will see your light and be like that is a woman living for God like what I want to be like. In the secret place of a closet where you pray, you turn the Father’s ear, your intercession for the nations changes things, shakes things. You will see His goodness in the land of the living. You will see your prayers affecting things, God is listening and will answer. And that you don’t care what man/people have to say about you. He is a rewarder if those who diligently seek Him (same day different church, a woman imparted intercession for the nations over me)

days later the same woman invited us over for more encouragement, foot washing, and en-crowning, here is a voice recording of additional prophecy for me:

or my teammate praying over me after I had just shared me testimony with everyone Thank you for Hannah for her soul and spirit She is so special, so unique, and she doesn’t even know it – that’s the best part. She’s such a blessing to this team. Thank you for the beautiful relationship you two have. she shows your love to everyone she meets, Kenz laughs literally everyone. Thank you for her wisdom. That she is a light and your joy that you clearly see You in her and it’s not that she’s from Colorado or anything like that. thank you that she’s a prayer warrior and things will happen because Hannah prayed/interceded. Thank that in her we see Your creativity. You have beautiful plans and a call for her and we silence the enemy’s lies or my other teammate well spoken, like preaching in your testimony, i love you like so much, I was praying for you and I was like praying that God would give me the love that you have for Him

Bellingham: Dreamer, Advocate for the unseen and unheard (a friend saying don’t stop making people feel like they are the only person important to you, you make me feel known), Woman of Zion

“you are such an inspiring, impressive, Godly woman of the Lord. Your heart for people is incredible to me and getting to do ministry alongside you is such an honor. You have a gift for intercession and evangelism, such a powerful combo! Not to mention teaching and pastoral giftings which you are getting to step into in this next season. When I think of you squad leading, I see a vision of someone wearing flip flops (Protected by God but vulnerable where needed too). Your heart and genuine, tender relationship with God is so impactful. bringing adventure…best storyteller we could ask for!”

”thanks for challenging me to climb hills. You care for people so well and it shows in your actions. You are fun to be around and always point people back to Christ. You are funny and your laugh is contagious. You are so easy to have conversations with, you are beautiful from the the inside out, you are caring, you love big, you are acribillen following Holy Spirit. So unique, you are loved!”

Love no matter what, empathetic, listener, intentional, love for His Word

….that is what I live to be through His strength alone.     


The Father’s Song by Upper Room (just listen to the lyrics!) literally brought me through a time at training camp where the enemy was trying to bring me down on my worth and shame me. I read in “My Utmost for His Highest” devotional that my friend at Lake Powell happened to give me…

“One of the greatest proofs that you are drawing on the grace of God is that you can be humiliated without manifesting the slightest trace of anything but His grace.”

I pray I’m learning that. At training camp it was for this that God gave me an image of the Cross carrying the bag of that situation away from me and then releasing into the freedom of cageless birds flying across the sky. That’s what grace does.

A squad mate wrote on my birthday card, which some of the quotes above are from (when I had such a hard day and couldn’t see all the goodness and how loved by others I am),

 Isaiah 55:9-10…

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’”

Those feeling of being unloved are NOT his thoughts or probably even anyone’s thoughts; they are lies.

Identify them, right as they come. Rebuke lies, let Christ transform you, ask Him or others how beautifully and uniquely He sees you, and then Proclaim It over yourself.

He calls you beloved, made for a purpose, belonging and chosen to be with Him.

I have seen that his way in me is so much higher; I just can’t believe the freedom and confidence in who I am and my purpose that the Lord has brought me to.

His thoughts are so high of us, and his way so much better than the world’s way for us.

“my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace” – Isaiah 55:11-12

–          And that is a promise <3


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