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Countenance of Rebirth 


The countenance of rebirth 




Has become my favorite scenery to witness




It’s the nearest I am on Earth to seeing God 


It’s unmistakably Him, those moments where you see the revelation of Love written on faces that were once lost 




Now being found 



I’ve seen it


I’ve tasted it 



It’s when your logical and experiential mind is blown  

You are in awe, realizing that there’s a better reality where you are just as much known as you are loved by Perfection Himself 




It’s when the hungry souls are fed with real sustenance  

God’s Presence is indescribably close 




The work of the Holy Spirit could be spotted a mile away for nothing in this world compared to it at all


Holy Spirit imprints too good to be true tears welling up on eyes that were all too used to disappointment and pain 




Witnessing the countenance of rebirth – what made every single thing I’d ever go through for the cause of the Gospel


worth it. 

“I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, `You must be born again. ‘” – John 3

Above is my team called Utterly Amazed from last month. The past months have been so packed with testimonies that we are utterly amazed (Habakkuk 1:5). 

Those testimonies I will share on my first newsletter email! If you are subscribed to my blog, you should receive one. If not, comment your email below to receive one. 

I have made my blog public again now that our plans have changed.

Half our squad is still working in a Muslim country. As for the other half and I, we are in Romania serving Ukrainian refugees. More details to come. Please pray for us! 

My absolute favorite thing in the world is to witness those moments when the Holy Spirit is touching someone. That’s what this blog/poem is about. I am excited to share it with you coming from a month where I witnessed this countenance of rebirth on beautiful faces who seldom hear about Jesus at all (if they do a skewed version).

A local believer who has been earnestly, heart-wrenchingly praying for her friends to come to Jesus cried to us about how God used us to open up her friends to Jesus. The pain of my heart lingered for days as I left this inspiring body of believers determined to share their faith even if it means they will be rejected by family or friends.

Free, I’ve never tasted life like this. The hand of God working redemption wherever we go. We are growing unlike ever before, seeing fruit like we’ve never seen, and I know that this is only the beginning. 

The picture above is from that one time we taught a couple hour and a half English classes alone after being asked only the day before to do it. Something before that would have terrified us now is what the Lord equips us for.

Last month I lived birthday twenty four among a family of believers in the nations. In the last year, God led me to squad lead three different trips and got me to surrender to the call of my life to be a Messenger of the Good News in the nations. Well, every Christian has that call. This year it just became real. That my life is not my own. Hineni – that yes – to go wherever you call Lord. 

24 years ago I was born, but it wasn’t until Jesus came to live inside me that I was truly living. 

Lord I love you 

I must become less

And You more

what an honor 

to be a part of Your story of redemption 



4 responses to “Countenance of Rebirth”

  1. We’re really happy to know that you can be the hands and feet of Jesus and directly help the Ukrainian refugees. Seeing the images on TV is heartbreaking and with our wanting to help, but feeling helpless on how to do so. We’ll be praying for you and your team for stepping up into this important work. Love you so much

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! We continue to pray for you!!! Love ya!

  3. Happy belated earthly birthday! Clearly your spiritual birthday is what’s driving you forward serving Our Father now in Romania! WOW!! So wonderful to know you’re helping the Ukrainians escaping their country. How cool you were a teacher of English! Prayers continue your way!!!!

  4. Dang, Hannah! I get so excited to read each of your blogs. I love reading just a little bit of the heaven touching earth that you experience. Praying for you!