
WE are Culturevate
a collection of uniquely planted seeds sprouting life, intertwining together to cultivate Kingdom
WE thought we’d take some time to introduce ourselves and to answer one very important question:
What is the Good News of the Gospel to you?
Hey y’all, my name is Kenia Martinez!
I’m from Dallas, TX and my parents were born in Leon, Gto! I LOVE Topo chicos, tacos/enchiladas, finding coffee shops, reading GREAT books, and hiking!
What does the gospel mean to me?
Well, it means loving deep and giving up everything just to follow Christ. Sounds intense huh? But his love is worth loving others who might have hurt us, his love is worth forgiving and his love is seeing others the way God sees us. The gospel is allowing to be used by God and being part of his wonderful plan.
Hey, I’m Em (:
I’m from Australia, & love Jesus, nature, anything unhealthy carb related food, summer fruit, & adventuring. I have a heart for discipleship specifically for teenagers & young adults. I also love living things, quality time, & all the hugs. I’m also super clumsy- since we’ve been in Indo, I’ve done something clumsy every day, such as spilling a hot cup of coffee on one of my teammates, lol.
This year my biggest hope for myself is to come back to the simplicity of the garden from the beginning of creation, where closeness with Abba & stepping into becoming more like Jesus is priority.
The good news to me is wrapped up in being accepted & loved in Kingdom family.
When Jesus, who deeply loves us, died on the cross for us, the veil of the temple tore in two, allowing humanity to come close into the holiest of holy places through intimacy with Abba. Yes, Jesus bore all our shame & sin so that we are holy & blameless in the Father’s eyes. But the fact that we have closeness with Abba, have the comfort & presence of the Spirit, & friendship with Jesus in Kingdom family & community every day is something that deeply deeply impacts my heart.
Hello! My name is John Carothers.
I’m 26 years old, and I’m from Knoxville, Tennessee. I’m super passionate about music; both listening to music by others and writing and recording my own. I’m also a man of many other passions ranging from hiking, to learning about other cultures, to watching artsy indie flicks. I’m hoping to discover God on a new level this year, and in doing so, step into a deeper level of authority in my walk with Him.
What is the good news of the Gospel for me?
Well, that’s a bit of a loaded question that could take quite a while to unpack, so I guess I’ll just hit the high points.
The most important point for me is that there’s a meaning to life, and that there’s something bigger and greater than ourselves at work in this universe, and not only that, but that this something is divinely good and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you. We get the chance to enter into a personal relationship with God Himself, who was there before existence even existed, who was there when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and who will be around when we’re flying spaceships through wormholes, traveling light-years across the universe in seconds.
As His agents in this world, we get to tap into His infinite well of power, wisdom, love, and grace in order to do impossible works in the name of helping bring His children back to Him. You can either live life thinking that this is all there is and all there will be; just a bunch of mundane material stuff, or you can live as a Spirit-communing, supernaturally empowered, wild soul of an agent of God building up your treasures in the eternal reward of Heaven.
That’s a pretty easy choice in my book.
Hey everyone! My name is Austin McBride.
I am originally from Southern California, but now live in Nashville, Tennessee. I am 23 years old, graduated from Belmont University, and have been working in the music industry for the past year and a half. During my final semester of college, the Holy Spirit stirred in my heart to apply for The World Race and numerous spiritual signs confirmed the decision. I am greatly anticipating everything God has for my team and I this year!
The good news of Jesus Christ is the singular most important and greatest phenomenon this world has ever known or will ever know.
It means we are unimaginably loved by our Creator, purposefully made, and are given the freedom to be part of God’s story. Specifically for me, the Gospel means that my sin is covered and I no longer need to be afraid of who I am. I have been sanctified and made righteous by the blood of The Lamb.
Regardless of what happens throughout life, God’s love and eternal plan can never be taken away. As Christians, it is our responsibility to follow the great commission, make disciples of all nations, and gift others with the life-changing news. We are free through Christ!
Hi. I am McKenzie Alexander, nice to meet ya’ll!
I am from a small town in Kentucky. I am 23 years old and am currently on this crazy thing called the World Race (if you couldn’t tell hehe).
The good news to me: love & confidence
Growing up, I had a really hard time feeling love. It had nothing to do with my sweet parents who constantly poured love into me, but a supernatural longing for more. Jesus was and is that more for me. The love He surrounds me with overflows out of me and not only satisfies me, but allows me to pour that love into others. The main thing I get from being filled up besides love is confidence.
Without Jesus, what is your purpose?? Good luck finding an answer meaningful to that! I find my confidence through the love of Jesus Christ! It is easy to believe lies about yourself from the enemy or people that leave you feeling insecure, but Christ speaks truth into me such as; I am loved, I am chosen, and I am His.
This is where I rest my confidence in. thank you thank you thank you jesus!
Hey, I’m Hannah Jane Mitchek
I’m a mountain, family-loving girl who comes to life in the Presence of the Living God, as I Wonder, explore, create, reflect, and connect with and invest into others. I grew up in Colorado and loved college in Oregon (Marketing BBA, minor Fine Arts, go Pilots!).
The Good News of the Gospel to me is an endless ocean, bottomless sea like that Melissa Hesler album. It searches my heart daily.
It is my reason for living and the way for loving. Jesus became like us, in pain and pursuit, that we could know through the ultimate tangible, gruesome self-sacrifice that we are intimately known and completely loved.
When I was saved, peace found nowhere else covered me. A perfect love that gives me a seat of honor, that’s not contingent on what I do or don’t do, on my story, my giftings, my personality, nor my standing with people, that is SO secure and never failing. Because His blood protects and covers me and makes me clean from the selfishness of my heart.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; for abundantly full and surrendered life that He came; to defeat the power of Satan that Jesus overcame it all. Christ Jesus crucified, resurrected, and coming back is the ONLY HOPE for the broken world and our broken hearts, making everything right. I blossom with passion and identity as I die to myself, Christ in me. When I am lonely, He is my best friend. I can do nothing apart from Him, and I need nothing else except Him.
Let go of control Hannah. In your weakness. I am strong
Hello! My name is Amanda Gillespie.
I am 24 years old and I come from the good ole’ state of Indiana. In life, I like the sound of laughter and the things that bring it about.
I also get to be the Alumni Team Leader for this amazing group of people! I went on the World Race from October 2018-August 2019. Now, God has led me back to lead and pour into this team for their first two months on the field. I am so excited to see how God is going to use and grow each of these humans this next year of their life. He has some wonderful things in store and I feel blessed getting to come alongside those plans for a period of time and then encourage from a distance after I go back home and they continue on.
So what is the good news of the Gospel to me?
Well, it’s love & peace & fullness & joy & hope & assurance & belonging & acceptance & purpose & just everything in between it all. The good news to me is what makes me complete and whole and what drives the purpose of life and drives what I live for. It’s to love the Lord and to BE LOVED by Him. I mean, how common is it really to let yourself be fully loved? It’s the fact that God created humanity to be in perfect relation with Him and to love them fully. But with that He gave us free choice and in that free choice, humanity fell away from God.
The Good News is that there is a way to reconcile what we choose and what God originally intended. It’s that He looked out onto us in a separated state and grieved over the loss of our perfect relationship. He loved and missed us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, down to Earth to live a fully human, fully perfect life, and then be put to shame and death on the cross. To drink the cup of wrath for all humanity over time past, present, and future. Then to overcome death and restore what has been lost.
Why? All because He loves us and wants to be with us.
Ashes (alumni squad leader)
Hey! My name is Ashley Collins.
I am 26 years old. I’m from the great state of Minnesota, even though I’m not really a fan of the winter. I launched on my World Race October of 2018, so I enjoyed a few months home before meeting up with C Squad to lead them through their first 5 months on the World Race. The majority of my ministry as a Squad Leader is the participants on the trip, which is exactly where I thrive the most. I get to disciple and love people through this season of life I just got done walking through myself, while also serving internationally. It’s my dream come true.
What is the good news of the Gospel for me?
The good news of the gospel for me is that, ultimately, we’ve received reconciliation with God while still living on this earth. When I think about how God created this world in its original purpose, good and beautiful, I’m thankful that through Jesus and his obedience and sacrifice, we get a taste of the goodness and beauty that’s awaiting us for eternity in heaven. It’s incredibly good news to me that God loves us SO MUCH He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us walk through and navigate life here on earth.
And for me, it’s the best news that God cares for us all personally.
I’m no longer a random face in a sea of people, I am Ashley Collins, a dearly beloved daughter of the Most High King.
What does the Good News mean to you?
Thanks, Hannah! The world is definitely a better place with this group of people working together for the Kingdom.
What a creative and meaningful way to introduce your team! I feel like I got to know you all a little better…and I can’t wait to see you all in person!