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*Inspiration from Genesis and learning resources like this one and Holy Spirit and nature around me…I wrote this on an island in Panama as rain poured down

The Bible is the richest story of all time; it is the human story, it is beyond humans; it is the story of every living thing, and it is my story.

It’s bigger than you could ever realize. Written in the pages is the discovery of where we exist and the story of the Persistent and Faithful Father bringing us home, even with hearts bent towards evil (Gen 8:21)- He thought the chance at loving you and filling the Earth with such beauty as the luscious, vast rainforests worth it. 

He is a covenant God. Marriage is something only for Earth (Matthew 22:30) because it resembles God’s intent, Creator and Maker God’s intent. He desires partnership, that together, in mutual love and diversity we make something beautiful and creative and life bringing. 


It is His breathe, His Ruach, that runs through my veins and the swaying leaves of the forest. He said “Let there be light” and out of void darkness came His majesty and His heart, and He decided to make us a part of His glorious fascinating masterpiece. He decided to create us with Wonder and let us Wonder and discover the depths of His love and brilliance. He even decided to let us have a brilliance of our own, have a part in how things would go. That we’d be a team creating together. 

He doesn’t want lukewarm (Rev 3:16), because He’s the Creator able to make sizzling lava and collapsing glacial ice. 
Do you want wonder and excitement and adventure or do you want boring?


Because through Christ, the life that sin and the evil ways of your heart once took from you is now back inside of you (John 5:24)


The relational God sacrificed His One and only Son to the hands of evil men and crucified death and evil and all the brokenness and suffering and poverty and sickness on the Man Eternal’s back, and then on the third day overcame and promised partnership with man that would make ALL THINGS NEW (2 Cor 5:17/Rev 21:5)


That Creative Force that causes the ingredients within the sea to glow at your touch out of pitch black darkness lives inside of you (Romans 8:11). Let the bioluminescent water be a sign unto you that no situation is too dark that He can’t bring LIGHT to. 


Sometimes God’s Spirit pouring out on us is like that powerful downpour, but when it hits contact with the surface of our flesh, the outcome is not clear water but a miscolored overflow is His love. We miss the mark. Nonetheless, He still uses us to accomplish a purpose and to create a mosaic of sorts. 


He is the Potter that formed clay that could evolve and choose parts of its own formation. The clay is still only clay, but it has this special property of agency –

What happens when what the Artist created chooses a different outcome than envisioned?

I remember what happened two times when I created art that didn’t end up close to how I envisioned it….I threw it down a river in anger or I cut it in half and then made it new by adding detail, words, meaning. 

God once flooded His art and destroyed it (Gen 7). But He said He wouldn’t again (Gen 8:21)


He wants His living, breathing art to exist and to create with Him! 

….even if it took a process to get there. Even if it took time, if it took prophets, laws, thousands of years of longing for justice and mercy, if it took His Son – the Word in Flesh – teaching what is true and bringing all that is good and right and healing back to the human heart (Ezekiel 11:19)


…if it took sending His Spirit to reside in the clay that we would be more shaped by the Author of Goodness rather than the deceitful desires of the clay and the source of evil (the devil)


Through all of that, the clay would get to be a part of filling the Earth with majesty and redemption and love for all (Gen 9:1)


The diversity of the nations would be made alive by the new hearts and Spirit that Christ implanted in them, and it’d be a better masterpiece –


a better story.


The Sovereign Potter would find that Love was always worth it, 

with the pain and all, 

the journey and the trials, 

it was worth it –


to get where ruins are rebuilt and restored,

hope is fulfilled 


It’d tell a story of a Faithful God who loves and moves among us, of light overcoming and silencing darkness –


of what went wrong being made right,

of you, the clay, bearing the image of the One who created galaxies, 

of you being crowned with glory and honor (Psalms 8)


YOU get a say in Creation,

to be known and loved,

to know and to love,

to be held and shaped by the One who has got the whole world held and shaped in His arms.


The Covenant God made you for more, 

made you for true love, 

l  o  v  e

that doesn’t give up

that has a choice

that has a say 


The Covenant God chose to let Creation continue as it is, because HE WANTED YOU  

2 responses to “C r e a t o r”

  1. I loved reading this blog and this phrase in particular stood out “…it took sending His Spirit to reside in the clay that we would be more shaped by the Author of Goodness.” Powerful words ??

  2. We always love your blogs!!! We love the way you tell your story with scripture and photos!! Thanks so much for taking the time to share!! We look forward to seeing you in less than two weeks!